Corporate Media Whore
So I am back in the great white north, looking at an empty apartment and pondering if I really want to get a bunch of useless shit or just leave it empty. Hmm.. It's up to the boss (my wife) to decide.
To keep you updated on the 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' mania, the corporate media caught on. It started with an article in the Sunday New York Times. That was then followed by the Washington Post, MSN Video Downloads, and a request to air the video on BET, Albuquerque Public Access TV Channel 27, and Current TV, which is Al Gore's new cable venture. Ain't revenge sweet Al? All in all the video has reached more than 500,000 folks and more once it hits the national airwaves. To quote the legendary Bubb Rubb - WOO WOO!
The hate mail has kept me entertained and in stitches. The scary part is what happens when people hide behind a screen name and can type away in total anonymity. Oh, the racism that these fuckers spew would make David Duke blush. Now I expected the defenders of Dubya to come out in droves, but the racists did their best to make sure I knew they existed. No, people, we are not evolving, and that's a theory anyway...
So I have much to do so I'll keep this short.
Tomorrow (Sunday Oct. 2) at 8 pm the Push Push theater in Decatur will be showing a retrospective of my films.
Friday Oct. 7 at 7:30 pm the Atlanta IMC is presenting a screening of Winter Soldier and on again Sunday Oct. 9th at 3 pm the Push Push
All next week I'm in Philly for the Lost Film Fest 10. I'll be screening 'Why I love Shoplifting...' and 'George Bush...' If you have friends in the area or are able to make the trek, this film program is worth it.
that's all folks